Sunday, September 30, 2012


One Sunday morning, rushing to get ready for church; I realized the purse I was going to carry didn't match my outfit.  In order to satisfy my compulsion to ensure my outfits are coordinated, I decided to change my purse from black, to the color I was wearing, brown. 

I grabbed the brown purse, cleaned out any leftover receipts, gum wrappers, etc... and began to meticulously transfer the contents of the black purse into the brown purse, and off to church I went. 

My Pastor had been teaching a series of messages on  financial responsibility.  Jesus Christ made it clear that a mark of true spirituality was a right attitude toward wealth.  The only thing we should covet is God and the treasures of heaven.  

After church, I routinely have a nice breakfast.  This particular Sunday wasn't any different.  At the conclusion of my meal, the check arrived and I reached into my purse for my wallet.  To my surprise, it wasn't there.  Where was it?  I thought back to when I changed purses and I could not remember if I transferred my wallet to the new purse. I looked in the inside pockets, the outside pockets, the side pockets...  No wallet, no credit cards, not even loose change.  I started thinking of who I could call to bring me money. What I would I say to my waitress to buy time to go and get money?   Did I have any cash in my car...????? WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!????  

Stressed and soon to be embarrassed, I started to think about people who have these thoughts daily.  Where is the money coming from?  How can I feed my family?  Hourly, they wonder how they can pay bills.  How will they rob Peter to pay Paul this time?  Every second, wondering if GOD will suddenly open up heaven and pour out that blessing.   As I sat there hoping my waitress would delay a request for payment until I came up with a plan to pay, I whispered OH LORD!  

I decided to take one more look in my purse before my impending confession to the waitress that I did not have the money to pay my bill.  As I searched the outside pockets, side pockets and finally the inside pockets; to my disbelief I found, in that very inside pocket that I had searched repeatedly, a folded twenty dollar bill!  GOD heard my whispered prayer, OH LORD and placed that folded twenty in that inside pocket.  It was as if GOD said, "IT'S ON ME!"  Answered prayer.  

What if we took it upon ourselves to pour out blessings to others.  Occupy our lives with a spirit of giving.  Be an answered prayer to someone in need.
