Thursday, June 10, 2010

Best Shape of My Life

In Spring of this year, I turned 45. Now I’m not one to be concerned about my age but this year I have been suffering through some weird illnesses. I was diagnosed with bronchitis only to be struck with pneumonia and to top it all off, I finished it up with H-pylori...YUCK. For those of you who don’t know, H-pylori is a bacteria in your stomach. You can go for years without symptoms. Thank God I had symptoms. They were horrible symptoms...Google it when you get a chance.

I have always been athletic and I would say I was in the best shape of my life about 14 years ago. I had a six pack, I could do pull ups, my aerobic conditioning was great...I felt pretty good about myself.

When I got over all three illnesses, I felt horrible. I felt fat. I felt weak. I kept trying to think of ways to get back the “eye of the tiger”. I would go to the gym, but I ate anything I wanted. I trained for a marathon with a friend last year and I still ate what I wanted. I walked and went to dance class but, I ate what I wanted. Needless to say...I like to eat!

I couldn’t believe how hard it was to get that drive back. I mean it was a way of life for me 14 years ago. I prepared my meals, I ate 6 small meals a day and I worked out religiously...what happened to me?

Now it would be easy for me to blame it on age. It would be easy for me to blame it on work. It would be easy for me to blame it on being busy; but let’s call it was it is...I got lazy and complacent. I needed to kick myself in the behind.

I’m not one to ask for help. I’m not one to share what my plans are but at this point in my life I felt as if I couldn't be the only one with this problem. I noticed a lot of my friends were struggling too. Struggling to find the motivation to get healthy.

Then it hit me...I am an avid Facebook user. I've seen many people provide status updates about going to college and preparing for job interviews. I decided to use it in a different way.

Approximately 44 days ago, I challenged myself to 60 days of clean eating and intense workouts. To prove I was serious, I placed the challenge on Facebook and asked some friends to join me! I didn’t realize at the time how much support I would get from a social networking site. Facebook has been holding me accountable! When I don’t post, I have friends who are asking, “WHERE ARE YOU?” Facebook has provided a support group at no charge!

Today is day 16 and I feel great! I have lost approximately 15 lbs! I am eating 6 small meals per day, I am drinking a minimum of 1 gallon of water daily and my workouts are intense. I cannot believe that Facebook has been instrumental in kick starting my journey to getting back into the best shape of my life!

Are you with me?