Wednesday, September 22, 2010


As a child, my mother worked second shift. My brother, sister, and I would be left to fend for ourselves most evenings. We made the best of it. We would always find some sort of new game or adventure. We played fort, we played hide and seek, we played basketball, we played hard! Our living room was transformed into a city street, a forest, a jungle or a playground. Now, we didn’t have a lot, but I remember my mother had a few items that she treasured. On our living room table, a ceramic bull and matador set. She adored these pieces. Anyone one else have this set?

My mother used to leave us explicit instructions about playing in the house. We’d better not do it! We tried to adhere to her rules, but when it’s too cold to play outside, you’ve watched all of the cartoons you can find, and you’re tired of playing board games... tossing around the Nerf football won’t hurt anything! Right?!

Yeah right! My brother’s “stone hands” could not handle my pass and the matador took it right in the chest. OH NO! Ceramic matador hits hard wood floors and you already know the outcome.

On this day in particular, we had a lot of time before my mother would be home. All we needed to do was fix it. We thought about using duct tape...Nah... we only had grey duct tape. We thought about using scotch tape...Nah...she would see that. We decided to use glue. The only glue available was yellow, wood, glue. Yes, yellow, wood glue. The ceramic matador was brown with white accents. We were optimistic! We figured if we glued it back together, and wiped off the excess yellow, wood, glue there’s NO WAY she would notice!

We gathered up every piece of the wounded matador. We painstakingly glued each piece back together. We attempted to wipe off the excess but, the glue became tacky and parts of the paper towel we used to wipe the excess became part of the matador.

We put it together and placed it back in it’s usual place on the living room table. We cleaned the living room, carefully looking for any remaining evidence of the incident. Then we waited...we felt pretty confident with our work. No way she would notice the battered matador...even with the yellow, wood, glue seeping through the fractures.

Guess what? It didn’t take long for my mother to notice that her once proud matador had been reduced to an imperfect piece of ceramic, masked by wood glue and paper towels. We paid dearly for that moment of disobedience.

Our feeble attempt at repairing something broken, reminds me of how we wear masks in our lives, in order to give the appearance that we are okay.

How often have you looked in the eyes of another and said to yourself, I know what their going through? How often do you see pain, sorrow and grief in the eyes of another? How often do you look in the mirror and see your own pain? How often do we laugh when we want to cry? How often do we cry when we want to scream? How many times have we said yes when we wanted to say no. How many times have we gone along to get along.

We hide behind a lifetime of faulty repair work. We seek our repair from talk shows, self help books and inspirational emails. We don our masks daily, not realizing how the temporary glue is seeping through our fractured hearts and minds. We hope that we won’t be revealed.

We’ve been beaten, berated, demeaned, lied about, lied to, cheated on, talked about, hated, mistreated, used and abused. Yet we refuse to speak up, speak out, speak about, what we’ve been through. We won’t share what we’re going through in order to save another from this personal hell. It’s as if we want to see others in pain so that we won’t have to be alone. Will we ever be unbroken?


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


When I was a child, I remember my mother yelling at me and my siblings as we were playing to “GET SOMEWHERE AND SIT DOWN!” She said she wanted some “PEACE and QUIET.” I found it curious that if she wanted “PEACE and QUIET” why was she yelling.

As the years would go by, my mother never seemed to be able to locate “PEACE and QUIET.” At least, I have never heard her admit to finding this treasure. Through my years of growth and exploration, I too seek the refuge of peace and quiet. When I tire of the demands work, family and life, I seek “PEACE and QUIET.”

A short lived television series (1985-1986) called The New Twilight Zone, aired an episode called, "A Little Peace and Quiet". This is the opening narration:

“Wouldn't it be nice if, once in a while, everyone would just shut up and stop pestering you? Wouldn't it be great to have the time to finish a thought or spin a daydream? To think out loud without being required to explain exactly what you meant? If you had the power, would you dare to use it, even knowing that silence may have voices of its the Twilight Zone?”

I don’t believe my mother wanted a world completely silent as this episode portrayed. I believe my mother was looking for silence within the chaos of her world. Are you able to find peace in the chaos of your world?

I have found peace in the Sunrise.

I have found peace in the Sunset.

I have found found peace on a white sandy beach.

I have found peace in the turmoil of an urban city street.

I have found peace in an intimate conversation.

I have found peace at a robust music concert.

I have found peace in a gentle touch.

I have found peace in a tender memory.

I have found peace within quiet.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


I received a gift accompanied by a card that was signed L-U-V-Y-A...Luv ya!

Now I consider the person who gave me the gift, one of my closest friends. I read the card again and the second time through it read just as eloquently as the first until I got to the L-U-V-Y-A!

You see those five letters L-U-V-Y-A, made me feel cheated...abbreviated. This reduction of letters somehow conveyed a lack of emotion being shown me. I understand that this world has become a text messaging, technology driven, time conscious society; but when did we start substituting real LOVE for this convenient, cutesy, L-U-V-Y-A?! I equate this term with my teens and early twenties. A time when I did not fully understand what it means to LOVE. I am not just talking about romantic LOVE. I am talking LOVE of friends too. There was a time when I did not know that LOVE was more than wanting to be in that person’s presence 24/7. LOVE is more that missing them when you are apart. LOVE is more than wanting to provide nice gifts, more than extending a helping hand... LOVE is more that an abbreviation at the end of a card!

When I LOVE, it’s spiritual, emotional, physical and present. When I say or write I LOVE YOU, it means, I pray for you, I feel your pain, I feel your joy, I cheer for you, I get angry with you, I long for you... My LOVE deserves to be reciprocated and L-U-V-Y-A just won’t do.

When I say or write I LOVE YOU, you receive and become part of me.

Don’t abbreviate your LOVE for me...



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Best Shape of My Life

In Spring of this year, I turned 45. Now I’m not one to be concerned about my age but this year I have been suffering through some weird illnesses. I was diagnosed with bronchitis only to be struck with pneumonia and to top it all off, I finished it up with H-pylori...YUCK. For those of you who don’t know, H-pylori is a bacteria in your stomach. You can go for years without symptoms. Thank God I had symptoms. They were horrible symptoms...Google it when you get a chance.

I have always been athletic and I would say I was in the best shape of my life about 14 years ago. I had a six pack, I could do pull ups, my aerobic conditioning was great...I felt pretty good about myself.

When I got over all three illnesses, I felt horrible. I felt fat. I felt weak. I kept trying to think of ways to get back the “eye of the tiger”. I would go to the gym, but I ate anything I wanted. I trained for a marathon with a friend last year and I still ate what I wanted. I walked and went to dance class but, I ate what I wanted. Needless to say...I like to eat!

I couldn’t believe how hard it was to get that drive back. I mean it was a way of life for me 14 years ago. I prepared my meals, I ate 6 small meals a day and I worked out religiously...what happened to me?

Now it would be easy for me to blame it on age. It would be easy for me to blame it on work. It would be easy for me to blame it on being busy; but let’s call it was it is...I got lazy and complacent. I needed to kick myself in the behind.

I’m not one to ask for help. I’m not one to share what my plans are but at this point in my life I felt as if I couldn't be the only one with this problem. I noticed a lot of my friends were struggling too. Struggling to find the motivation to get healthy.

Then it hit me...I am an avid Facebook user. I've seen many people provide status updates about going to college and preparing for job interviews. I decided to use it in a different way.

Approximately 44 days ago, I challenged myself to 60 days of clean eating and intense workouts. To prove I was serious, I placed the challenge on Facebook and asked some friends to join me! I didn’t realize at the time how much support I would get from a social networking site. Facebook has been holding me accountable! When I don’t post, I have friends who are asking, “WHERE ARE YOU?” Facebook has provided a support group at no charge!

Today is day 16 and I feel great! I have lost approximately 15 lbs! I am eating 6 small meals per day, I am drinking a minimum of 1 gallon of water daily and my workouts are intense. I cannot believe that Facebook has been instrumental in kick starting my journey to getting back into the best shape of my life!

Are you with me?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I recently had the opportunity to hear a friend speak before a group of high school students. She was speaking about making smart life choices. You see my friend is uniquely qualified to speak about this subject. She is HIV positive.

She contracted the virus from her boyfriend 17 years ago. She was in her early 20’s when she found out she was positive. You see her boyfriend had numerous instances of unprotected sex with numerous partners. She only had him. She told the audience that even after he was told he was HIV positive, he continued to have unprotected sex with her and many others.

When did she find out? After he fell ill and was placed in the hospital. He finally revealed his positive status on what would eventually be his death bed. She said he hoped they would both become sick and die from the virus together.

As I listened to her deliver this powerful message, I felt sad. I felt angry and I felt envy. I know some of you are gasping right now. Yes, envy. You see my friend is exposed. Yes she has been exposed to the HIV virus but I’m speaking of a different type of exposure. She has no secrets. She lives with HIV without fear of her deepest, darkest secret being revealed. She has taken that power away from those who would secretly gossip and mock her. She exposed herself. How many of us walk around with some deep, dark secret that we never want the world to know. How many of us are quick to judge others about their shortcomings, when if our lives were flashed across a movie screen, we couldn’t even find a letter in the alphabet to rate it.

As I looked around the audience, the silence was deafening. I saw fear. I saw curiosity. I saw angst. I saw dread.

My friend is living with the HIV virus. She is also living with failing kidneys and a host of other minor illnesses as a result of the HIV...but she is LIVING. The daughter she was pregnant with when diagnosed is now a freshman in college. She attends church regularly and she is spreading the word to whomever will listen. She warns of the dangers of having unprotected sex. She warns of the dangers of making the wrong life choices.

I envy her courage and her freedom.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Eye Opening Moment

How many of you remember the movie, “The Color Purple?” Do you remember the line in the movie with Celie and Shug walking through a field of flowers and Shug says, “I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.?” This line came to mind for me recently. I was caught up in my life. You know how it is…I was too busy for everything but work. Too busy to return phone messages, too tired to go to the gym, too rushed to make my lunch for the week…just too busy. Or so I thought.

My one year old niece had a birthday coming and I wasn’t going to make her birthday party so I wanted to drop off her gifts. I rushed over to see her in between appointments. My plan was to drop off her gift and run to my next appointment. My niece had other plans. She was standing in the doorway upon my arrival. I had been too busy to notice how much she’d grown and how she can pull herself up to stand. I was too busy to remember her smile and her “Gerber baby” laugh. I had forgotten how much she likes to play and be tickled. Most importantly, I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed her “Johnson & Johnson’s” baby smell and I how much I enjoyed just playing with her. It took me and hour and a rescheduled appointment to notice “the color purple.”

Have you noticed “the Color Purple today?”
