Sunday, July 25, 2010


I received a gift accompanied by a card that was signed L-U-V-Y-A...Luv ya!

Now I consider the person who gave me the gift, one of my closest friends. I read the card again and the second time through it read just as eloquently as the first until I got to the L-U-V-Y-A!

You see those five letters L-U-V-Y-A, made me feel cheated...abbreviated. This reduction of letters somehow conveyed a lack of emotion being shown me. I understand that this world has become a text messaging, technology driven, time conscious society; but when did we start substituting real LOVE for this convenient, cutesy, L-U-V-Y-A?! I equate this term with my teens and early twenties. A time when I did not fully understand what it means to LOVE. I am not just talking about romantic LOVE. I am talking LOVE of friends too. There was a time when I did not know that LOVE was more than wanting to be in that person’s presence 24/7. LOVE is more that missing them when you are apart. LOVE is more than wanting to provide nice gifts, more than extending a helping hand... LOVE is more that an abbreviation at the end of a card!

When I LOVE, it’s spiritual, emotional, physical and present. When I say or write I LOVE YOU, it means, I pray for you, I feel your pain, I feel your joy, I cheer for you, I get angry with you, I long for you... My LOVE deserves to be reciprocated and L-U-V-Y-A just won’t do.

When I say or write I LOVE YOU, you receive and become part of me.

Don’t abbreviate your LOVE for me...

