Thursday, December 1, 2011

One Accord

Ladies, let’s talk for a moment. Why do we hate each other so much?

We constantly sit in judgment of one another. We want to know how she can afford that car, that house, how she got that man, does she have kids, do her kids have the same father, is she educated, who does she hang out with, where does she hang out, does she drink, does she smoke, whose her baby daddy…sometimes, we barely open our mouths to say hello! Y’all know what I am talking about!

Why can’t we just be happy for one another? I often ask God this question. Now I’m asking you…How do we fellowship with one another and strengthen our bonds as women?

Think about it? It’s ridiculous the way we treat one another. We smile at each other and give “half hugs” and the “air kisses” but as soon as we leave each other’s sight we are thinking about something negative to say.

Women need to bond. Women need to know that we share the same struggles. We need to fellowship, one to another, and break down those barriers that cause us to crawl into our shells.

Remember when you had a best girlfriend. You told her all your secrets. You couldn’t wait to talk to her each day. Almost every minute of the day. You asked her opinion on everything, and most importantly, she had your best interests at heart. She loved you just for being you.

Then we grew up, or should I say we got older. We don’t trust each other. We are in competition for everything from careers to men! You see it perpetuated in the media on those television shows that end with the word “Wives” and start with “Real”. Why don’t we show love and kindness toward one another as adults?

How many of us are going through something? I mean really going through something and you are feeling so much pain. You want to talk to someone. You’ve already burned up your momma’s ear and you are hurting. You’ve prayed and cried, cried and prayed, then prayed and cried some more. You are looking for someone to talk to…someone to cry with…someone just to be in your corner. Someone to listen. Are you praying you had you had your best girlfriend back. That person you can trusted…that person that you called, anytime day or night and she listened!

Women understand another woman's pain. From our teenaged years we know how it feels to be rejected, abused, lied to, and lied about. We know how it feels to not be apart of the “in crowd”. We know the pain of not being pretty enough, not being skinny enough, rich enough, smart enough…

It stops now!

Right now, let's make the decision to be on one accord.


To harmonize, reconcile, to grant or concede

To be in mutual agreement, or harmony, willingly without being asked.

To be in one accord is for everyone to agree, with no one dissenting


Disagreement, a harsh or confusing noise

Quarreling, the struggle to win out where there is a conflict or disagreement.

In order to be on one accord we have to have a single mindedness. I’m not saying we have to agree on everything but in our disagreeing we are supportive. We genuinely care about each other. When our sister does well we are truly happy for her and supportive. Supportive both in what we say and what we do… I’ve got your back.


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